[FR] Cordless technology for
a greener future

[FR] Our vision is to make superior battery-power accessible to everyone, creating market opportunities and driving further innovation.

[FR] A new era for
battery power

[FR] EGO technology has opened up exciting opportunities for tools that have previously been excluded from the growing trend for battery-powered outdoor power equipment.

[FR] This is pioneering technology, the very latest, developed by our engineers and made from premium materials. It’s at the forefront of sustainable alternative power innovation, and it’s grounded in decades of R&D.

This is pioneering technology, grounded in decades of R&D. Developed by our engineers and made from premium materials, it’s at the forefront of sustainable alternative power innovation. Petrol is in the past – this technology is the future, and it’s here.

Discover more about EGO, our parent company Chervon, and about our technology

[FR] Switch on to EGO

[FR] The EGO 56V ARC Lithium battery and power unit are suitable for use on a range of outdoor power equipment.
[FR] Please enquire using our form. We’ll get back in touch promptly with the information you need.